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Are you selling your home?


Our pre-sale Garden Makeover Program is designed not only to increase the value of your home, but to help make that sale happen faster. The pre sale garden makeover is designed to be value for money, with presentation first and impressions last.


If you are preparing your property as a rental, we can help increase the expected rental return.  We can help give your stale garden a make over. With a focus on low maintenance, these simple things can make a huge difference:


  • Rejuvnetate OR re - lay turf

  • High pressure clean of driveways, front of house, patios and deck can bring to life what was old and tired

  • Weed Mulch and Tidy up

  • Removal of Rubbish to make area’s clean and free up space


The expert team at PJR Gardens will sit down with their clients and make a list of the things that they want to achieve from their project. Whether they are thinking low maintenance, classic or extravagant, we can help them to get a basic idea of what they can achieve, and help them to decide on a realistic budget for their project.


PJR Gardens will consider the layout of your home and what will suit it.

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